Friday, 31 January 2014

The Weaver

Copyright 2013 PJ Stassen
All Rights Reserved

As knowledge increases, wonder deepens.
- Charles Morgan, 1894-1958.

   This is not a hymn, but a poem, and one of those rare gems that hit you right between the eyes exactly when you needed it most.  In spite of all the theological rhetoric of the theologians and the philosophical wisdom of the sages of the world, LIFE basically remains a mystery for most of us, and the ways of God sometimes tantalisingly  incomprehensible and mysterious.   Even the gurus and mystics of Tibet and the fakirs and yogis of India stand aghast at this phenomenon called LIFE and cannot help but ... sigh.  
   The Apostle Paul has once bravely conceded:  For now we see in a mirror, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know fully even as also I was fully known. (Corinthians 13:12).  
   We see as if in a mirror ... only darkly and in part.  That's why we are forgiven for making mistakes, for interpreting the Scriptures differently, for differing on theological issues and for differing on doctrine and in opinion.  We have the right to see in a mirror darkly and in part ... we cannot do otherwise.  We are 'space-time disabled' creatures of very limited capacity and power.  The only true wisdom of value is the wisdom derived from God as distilled from the Bible and the lips of Jesus of Nazareth.  In the final analysis, of this  Universal Tapestry called HISTORY and LIFE only God sees and knows the upper, and we (alas!) only the underside.  For us it suffices to know that there is Superior Intelligence and Design at work in the Universe, otherwise what are our sons and daughters doing in school?
   The atheist-evolutionist vehemently denies Intelligence and Design at work in the Universe, but just see how much time, labour, money, resources, intelligence and design he indefatigably invests in his obnoxious religious-cult (of atheism-evolutionism) as supported by his many books, magazines, libraries, research-protocols, debates, arguments, symposiums, lectures, interviews with the media, newspaper-articles, field-trips & excavations, museums, archives, educational curricula, school-systems and the classification and preservation of his fossil-collections! His religiosity (in the field of pseudo-science) sometimes outstrips that of the Islamist fanatic or Christian fundamentalist by far.  
   If there really were no such thing as Intelligence and Design at work in the Universe, why does the atheist-evolutionist (in practise) need so much of it for the description, explaining, protection, defence and promotion of his obsolete and redundant religious-cult of atheism-evolutionism? In fact, without the heavy investment of intelligence and design in his arsenal of scientific-methodologies the atheist-evolutionist's trade would probably disintegrate and disappear.  
   Nowhere on Earth is the anomaly of what the atheist-evolutionist in theory teaches and what he in practise does so glaringly apparent.  He teaches and preaches no Intelligence and no Design in the creation and maintenance of the Universe, yet his craft is characterised by nothing else but the endeavour of (misappropriated) intelligence and design.  Someone has once written: "In theory there should never be a difference between theory and practise, but in practise there often is."  How true of the atheist-evolutionists.

   PS.  I suppose there are many excellent books on this theme or topic but the following three titles are nevertheless strongly recommended: The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren; Where Is God When It Hurts by Philip Yancey and The Grand Weaver by Ravi Zacharias.  Also see Bibliography for more details.

The Weaver

(Benjamin Malacia Franklin)

My life is just a weaving
Between my Lord and me
I cannot change the color
For He worketh steadily.

Oft times He weaveth sorrow
And I in foolish pride
Forget He sees the upper
And I the underside.

Until the loom is silent
And the shuttle cease to fly
Will God roll back the canvas
And explain the reason why.

The dark threads are as needful
In the skilful Weaver’s Hand
As the golden threads of silver
In the Pattern He has planned.

1. Warren, Rick (2002) The Purpose Driven Life. Zondervan Publishing Co. Grand Rapids, Michigan.  [ISBN: 0-310-21074-7].
2. WinnersOnTheLoose.  ‘The Weaver’ (Poem). Accessed at <> [online] 2014.
3. Yancey, Philip (1990, 1977) Where Is God When It Hurts? Zondervan Publishing Co. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
4. Zacharias, Ravi (2007) The Grand Weaver. Zondervan Publishing Co. Grand Rapids, Michigan. ISBN: 978-0-310-28584-7. 

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